Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Magical Language!

You may have noticed by now that I do my spell work in Latin. It started out as a journey to incorporate magic into my everyday life and to feel like a witch who could flick her wand or twitch her nose and make magic happen! I found that traditional rhyming spells, while beautiful, took time to construct, lengthy to memorize and I rarely used the same one twice. I have learned in folk magic that the more you use a spell, the stronger and quicker the magic happens. Just like anything the more you use the better you get at it! I chose the Latin language because, for one thing, its a dead language. People rarely use it at all let alone have regular conversations with it. This, to me, makes it most magical! A language reserved solely for the purpose of spellcrafting. Thats why I chose to start doing spells in another language at all. I wanted simple, but to just say "you are healed" lacked the kind of mystery and power that spells should evoke. I mean, if I can say "healed" or "healing" 20 times a day in a random conversation, what depth is left for the spell? Thats just my opinion on it of course. In fact, the folk magic that I referenced earlier uses ordinary language for spells such as this one for removing sickness;

"(sickness) come out of the marrow into the bones, out of the bones into the blood, out of the blood into the flesh, out of the flesh upon the skin, from the skin and into (name) hair, out of the hair into the green forest, out of the green forest into the dry sand, as sure as the God moves within the Goddess and out into the land." American Folk Magick by Silver Raven Wolf.

So the use of latin didnt originate in the folk magic traditions, just the idea that repetition of use creates stronger magic. However, using another language to do magic with creates a shift of mind and energy and helps to manifest the atmosphere desired to feel truly magical! I have a quick story of just how powerful and natural the magic flows. A few weeks ago I was laying out in the living room trying to sleep at like 1 AM and I hear this rattling and tinkling sound outside the window. I immediately thought of my car and went to grab my keys to make sure it was locked. As I looked out the window I saw a guy tearing apart our garbage can, looking for bottles and cans apparently. Well he seemed not to be doing too much harm and he was putting all the garbage back in the cans, but you never know what else he might try to do while he hanging around. He put the bottles that he pulled out on the side walk and walked out of view, coming back a few minutes later with a backpack. He put some bottles in it but left it and walked out of view again.
I decided that I better put up some protection magic, so I put together a protection spell;
"Hanc domum et universa intrinsecus" (Protect this home and all inside) while encircling my home in golden light.
The next morning when I woke up, the mans backpack and bottles were still there. He was never able to come back for them.

I love being able to do spell work through out my day and infuse it in my daily activities. It isnt flashy, it isnt fancy, it isnt complicated. Its actually rather low key, but its so much a part of me now that I truly feel like an everyday witch!

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