Wednesday, August 17, 2016

77 Question Witchy Tag

1) Do you use runes as a written language? 
- No, I dont actually use runes for much. That may change in the future

2) Do you feel you have natural gifts such as (premonitions, hearing spirits) and if so do you think this is what led you to this path? 
- I have been told by my parents that when I was little I used to talk to spirits and knew things that I shouldnt have, like no one told me. My son has this gift as well. As Ive gotten more comfortable with myself I trust my visions, dreams and intuition and Im usually always right.

3) What deity do you work with if any and why?
- Years ago I was pagan and worked with many Deities. About three years ago I started moving more into the new age and metaphysical christian realm so I worked with the Christian God and Yeshua. Now I follow Natural Law, hermetic principles and I consider myself a Gnostic Witch. I try not to work with "Deities" in that sense anymore but more the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine and bring alignment, unity and alchemy to my right brain/left brain hemispheres. 

4) Have you always worked with this same deity? 
- No, things have changed along my path

5) Do you use any personal items in your practice, (blood, semen, tears, urine, etc)? 
- No, the most I would work with is hair. 

6) Do you do past life readings or have ever had one done; who where you or how did you die?
- I have had two past life readings. The first I found out that I was a lady by the name of Grace Mann Brown who lived at the turn of the century and was a metaphysical spiritual teacher in the New Thought Movement. The second one I found out I was Sophia of Hanover who lived from 1630-1714. 

7)What is your favorite magical tool?
- My favorite tools are my cauldron (which I also consider all my cast iron pans in the same category), My broom, which is also my house broom, My grimoire, my knitting supplies and herbs. Basically the things I use for magic everyday. 
 8) What is a song or type of music that gets you into a witchy mood? 
- I love Damh the Bard! Also celtic/gaelic and scottish music 

9) Where is the most magical place you have ever been? 
-  Disney World

10) What animal is your familiar if any? 
- I dont currently have a familiar 

11) If you have a familiar, did you choose them or did they choose you? 
- The one time that I had a familiar was right after a particularly frightening experience with a spirit board that lasted a couple months. A cat showed up out of no where and hung around to help remove the entity and clear out the energy and after her work was done she passed away. It was a very surreal experience. 

12) What in the craft are you best at (tarot, spells, ritual,) etc? 
- Im really good at spells, potions and herbal remedies. Im also good at oracle cards.

13) What in the craft would you say you are weaker at? 
- Im working to learn the tarot system right now. Im not as good at astral projection or lucid dreaming yet. Im not good at rituals because I dont do them often. 

14) What is your most favorite part of your craft (spell writing, divination, etc)? 
- Definitely spells, the way that I do spells incorporates magic into everything that I do. I also love doing potions and herbal remedies and divination. 

15) What was the first tool you ever purchased? 
The Well Worn Path oracle deck was the first tool I ever purchased.  

16) What was your first homemade tool for your practice? 
I cant remember what came first but I remember making a scrying bowl, a pendulum, and a book of shadows. 

17) What are your feelings on raising kids in the craft? 
I teach my boys about the principles of Natural Law and as they get older I will teach them more about their own power. As far as the religious aspects go, we celebrate the sabbats but not in the traditional "God and Goddess" story, just in the seasonal and agricultural ways, because thats how I celebrate them. I think its very important to raise your children in the way that you are connected to. Children need guidance and foundation. I also think its important to encourage their own spiritual independence as they get older. 

18) If you were a goddess or god, who would you be? 
- Ive always loved harvest and earth deities. 

19) Do you use astrology in your practice? In what ways? 
- I think Astrology is very important to know, especially in understanding our past and our very ancient ancestors. I am currently studying astrotheology.  I also use the zodiac signs to better understand my self and others as well as occasionally working spells in certain phases of the moon or astrological signs. 

20) What if any ways could you practice dark magic and still respect the beliefs of Wicca? 
- While Im not Wiccan I do follow the tenets of Natural Law which can be summed up as "Do not do to others that which you do not want done to you". I am taking this question to mean in what ways could I violate Natural Law and still respect my belief in it. The answer is I wouldnt. Self defense does not violate Natural Law. 

21) Do you have any witches in your family? 
- Not that consider themselves as such. On both sides of my family they have different gifts though. 

22) What item can you not witch without?
- Belief and imagination

23) What is your favorite sabbat or time of year ritual? 
- All of the harvest sabbats are my favorite and fall is my favorite time of year. but really I love each sabbat when it comes. 

24) Have you ever had a YouTube burn out?
- I know this says "youtube" but I am going to answer the question; "Have you ever had a "witchcraft" burn out?". The answer is yes. I was a pagan witch for about 10 years and I had a burn out and left the craft for about 3 years. I recently found my way back with all of the knowledge that I collected along the way and now I am a gnostic witch. 

25) What is your fav witchy shop, and do they have an online store? 
- My favorite "witchy" stores are actually Joanns and Michaels or, in general, craft stores. Online I would say I actually like going to antique stores and flea markets for "witchy" items because the items are old and unique and give the impression of the witches cottage that I love. 

26) When buying witchy items, do they choose you or do you choose them?
- depends on what Im looking for but in general Ive learned not to rush a purchase and feel the energy of an item to see if its right. Other things like bottles and jars and fabrics and stuff I get what I want.

27) How do you organize your herbs/ingredients? 
-  I have a cabinet where I keep my herbs in mason jars and essential oils and other herbal mixes. 

28) Do you have interest in other deities that you don’t work with; if so, which ones? 
- I study all the mythologies as I view them more as history. So I am definitely interested in different Deities. Im not interested in working with them. 

29) Do you have a favorite time of day to do spell work; if so, why? 
- I have designed my spells in a way that I use them often and anytime throughout the day. It makes me feel like I live a more magic filled life that way. I do however prefer to do divination at night. 

30) Are you solitary or do you work with a coven? 
- Solitary. I might like to start my own coven at some time. 

31) If you could pick a certain witchcraft tradition that fits your practice most what would it be (Druid, Celtic, Wicca etc)? 
- American Folk Magic tradition and Gnostic witchcraft. make with that what you will, LOL. 

32) What was the most creative spell you have ever done. What did you use?
- I came up with a spell to fix broken household items. I used it to fix my bed frame. 

33) What do you prefer for divination (tarot, oracle, runes ,etc, and why? 
- I have the most experience with Oracle cards. I think tarot cards are the most detailed. but my actual favorite and most accurate form is through dreams, its just that you have to wait for them to happen. 

34) What are some ways you keep yourself grounded? 
- Taking 3-5 deep breaths is the easiest and most effective way I have found to ground myself. Cleaning my house is very grounding and I also use essential oils on the bottoms of my feet. 

35) Have you ever had a spell go horribly wrong?
- Not really, although I have found that doing money spells, while momentarily effective usually bring more difficulties in the end. 

36) What are your opinions on initiation rituals? 
- I think they are important for certain traditions but I dont think they are particularly necessary. I feel like initiation rituals are like baptism. 

37) Have you ever had full contact with your deity; if so, what happened? 
- I encounter Deity all the time in my dreams. Ive been taken to the heavenly realms and saw the heavenly mother and heavenly father. I was shown how heavenly mother births us all into creation generations at a time. Other times I get directions or information. 

38) What about you is un witchy? 
- I dont get letters by owls :( 

39) For the dating witch, how do you tell a new love interest that you are a witch? 
- Im married 

40) Who is a past witch that has inspired you ,famous or not? 
- CharmingPixieFlora, TipToeChick, SilverRaven Wolf, Ellen Dugan, and Mrs Weasley LOL

41) How do you handle rejection from a fellow witch that refuses to do a reading or spell for you? 
- Ive never had that happen. I have never asked someone to do a spell for me and I dont let very many people do readings for me. 

42) Do you think it is necessary to cast a circle when you do spell work or any magical working? 
- I do not cast a circle when I do spell work because I dont call on any entities while Im doing it. The only time I would ever cast a circle is if I was calling on some form of spirit being because a circle makes sure that no other beings can get involved uninvited. Usually I dont call on or ask for assistance though. 
 43) If Steven Spielberg called and wanted to make a movie of your life, who would you want to play as you? 
- ????

44) What is some advice that was given to you that you pass along because it made an impact on your path?
- I get so much good advice from everywhere that I cant really think of something specific. But in general I think some of the best advice is to relax and do things the way you want to do them. Whatever is magical and mystical for you, whatever sparks your imagination. 

45) What is some advice you would give someone who has not found there diety?
- First of all I would say; yes you have, youre just over thinking it and you have some expectation of how its suppose to happen that is keeping you from connecting to the one you already have an affinity for. I hear all the time "You Deity will let you know" or something along those lines and I think people get a misconception of what that means. Ask yourself what Deity captures your attention? For the longest time, back when I was first starting out, I had an affinity for Demeter but She was the only one in the greek pantheon that I felt a connection too so I dismissed it because all the rest that I was interested in were from the Irish pantheon and I had heard all these things about not mixing pantheons and rules about this and rules about that. The truth of the matter is that you already know. Second off I would say; Dont stress about it because you will change and grow and Deities will come and go, whole religions may come and go. Its all part of the path. Focus on connecting with the Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine within and bringing that into balance. 

46) Where do you buy your herbs? 
- Mountain Rose Herbs 

47) How did you feel casting your first circle (silly, scared, stumbling, etc)? 
- Terrified I was doing it wrong and that I wasnt good enough. 

48) What was your first successful spell? 
- I did a time spell when my husband was deployed and it did seem to make the time go by much faster for me. 

49) What is your general practice for meditation? 
- Seriously, I am the mother of two small boys. If I get to pee by myself I consider it a successful day. 

50) Are you a day walker or a night comer? 
- Im assuming this is asking if you like the daytime or the night time better. I guess Ive always felt closer to the sun and daytime. I prefer the sabbats to the esbats. But I like the night too. 

51) How and when did you know you wanted to be on this path? 
- I was around 13 when I found out that there was such a thing as magick in a religious sense. I have always felt an affinity for the term "Witch" and its taken along time to weed out what that means for me. 

52) What type of pagan are you (Wiccan, eclectic, hedge, etc)? 
- Im not pagan, Im gnostic. So I am a Gnostic Witch. I follow a lot of American Folk Magic teachings. My style is cottage/kitchen/green/hedge witchery. Thats why my blog is "Hearth and Hedge Witchery" 

53) What candle color do you use most? 
- White because I mostly use tea lights 

54) What area would you like to see your craft grow in? 
- Learning more about Astrotheology, numerology and Tarot. Medical herbalism, Im always looking to improve my divination skills. authenticity.  

55) What is your preference, to buy or make your tools? 
- I prefer to have unique tools and so Im not as concerned with whether they are handmade by me or bought. I prefer handmade items, even if I wasnt the one that made them. My broom and grimoire were handmade and I bought them. In general I think anything, whether magical or not, that is personally handmade holds more intrinsic value for me than if I bought it. I also like to make things; I like to knit and sew and paint and craft so handmaking things is enjoyable. However, I love to find interesting items at antique fairs and flea markets that are different and special. 

56) What fictional witch book/screen inspired you the most? 
- All of them really. I really like Sabrina the animated series, Harry Potter, Three Sisters Island trilogy, Practical Magic, Charmed. 

57) With your first spell where you alone or in a coven?  
- Alone 

58) What is your favorite candle, incense scent for magical purposes? 
- The combination of pumpkin spice and mulled cider candles from walmart 

59) Where is your favorite place to go to reconnect with nature? 
- Its not so much a place but anytime I can feel the  wind blow and the sound of the wind through the trees. 

60) Do you believe in fantasy creatures (unicorns, gnomes, elves, fairies, etc)? 
- Absolutely. I dont work with dieties but I like working with the nature spirits 

61) Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? 
- Yes I do. I also believe in archons, demons, emanations and angels 

62) Would you ever teach the craft? 
- Yes, I would teach Gnostic Witchcraft. I wouldnt teach wicca

63) What if any legal herb do you use for moods? 
- I dont, but its basically because I havent needed to. I use a lot of essential oils but not purposefully for my mood, it just that they do effect it. 
 64) What is the most recent spell/ritual you have done? (slight detail please) 
- I use the purification spell a lot while Im cleaning, on; laundry, vacuuming, sweeping. Thats probably the most recent. I made a healing potion the other day because we were all having the coughs and the sniffles. In my laundry I use purification essential oil and say the spell until I see everything glowing with golden light, then all the energy has been released. 

65) Do you have a happy place you go to during meditation?
- I believe we have already discussed the bathroom 

66) What is your favorite witchy book? 
- I guess the Three Sisters Island trilogy, Harry Potter and Septimus Heap for fiction and American Folk Magick by SRW also Mountain Magick by Edain Mccoy for non fiction. 

67) Do you have a ritual to get ready before a ritual or spell? (what is it) 
- This is exactly why I dont do spell work in this way or do full rituals very often at all. I want it to be more a part of my everyday life and if I have rituals before rituals its very hard for me to feel connected to the magical world, in fact that would feel "unwitchy" to me. So, no. 
 68) Do you always use your own spells or do you tweak others? 
- I use my own spells, generally, but Im not against using others if I need to. 

69) Do you prefer spells/ritual inside or outside? 
- I prefer to be able to do spells whenever I need to. Thats why I like simpler methods of spellcasting. Most of my spells are done indoors just because Im in doors doing house work or cooking. I will do things outside when I need to or want to though.

70) If you are coming from a Christian/catholic background. Did you find the transition hard with family and the whole going to Hell thing? Basically leaving all you been told was right? 
- When I first decided I was a pagan witch it was awkward but I have always been the type of person to study spirituality in depth and since the time I was little my family would usually end up asking me questions about scripture and God and stuff. So that basically continued after I told them that I was pagan. In my journey, though, I have studied so many things in my pursuit of Truth (and I mean the literal truth of humanity's history) that I am realizing more and more where the line between The actual Word of God is and where humans have come in and plagiarized and modified things to fit an agenda. Im not an expert at it but Im getting better all the time. Basically none of my family can argue me at scripture because I know it better than they do, LOL. I havent had that problem though. 
 71) What are your totem animals? 
- Hummingbird, sea turtles, and robins 

72) What are some things you reuse after spells/ritual work?
- I guess the only thing I can think of would be charms like talismans and amulets that I might reuse for a similar purpose. 
 73) Who helped you most when you starting on your path? 
- I had a friend who did oracle readings and said she was wiccan, but she really wasnt into spellwork. she helped me learn a lot about doing oracle readings and stuff.  

74) Do you know any good witchy phone apps (like moon phases)? 
- I dont even have a cell phone. I just use my computer and type my question into google or I use the Witches calendar/planner for things like moon phases and stuff. 

75) What is your favorite magical study? 
- Right now it is studying the Tarot. I always love studying herbology 

76) Outside of the YouTube and Facebook community, do you have a lot of witchy friends in the physical world? 
- Not anymore 

77) Do you feel that the deities we work with are a force from one higher power and that all beliefs and religions are from the same one God/place? 
- No. I believe that a long time ago beings from "up there" came down here and had some scientific influence on our DNA. I believe that some of these beings wanted to help humanity and cared for us and that some of them despised humanity and used us for their own purposes. Archaeology and mythology support the theory that at some point there was a "war of the gods" and a global flood. The harmful beings were trapped here somehow without the technology to escape. Mythical places like Tartarus and the Abyss are examples of this. After this time you start to have religions pop up that are based on blood sacrifice of animals and humans and the "forbidding" of the secret arts and knowledge. People also believed the stories of these beings as gods which is why you have a very similar system of gods in every culture. However, I do believe that there is a God like Creator that shows itself through Natural Law, the golden ration and quantum field. I also believe in the emanations like Sophia (wisdom). Also that our journey to this Being is one from ignorance(darkness)  into knowledge(light), in all things; from our "Self" and our true history to knowledge of universal Laws and voluntary alignment with them.  

Okay so if you have stuck with me through all 77 questions, congratulations YOU ARE TAGGED!!!! Here is a blank copy of these questions  
  1. Do you use runes as a written language?
  2. Do you feel you have natural gifts such as (premonitions, hearing spirits) and if so do you think this is what led you to this path?
  3. What deity do you work with if any and why?
  4. Have you always worked with this same deity?
  5. Do you use any personal items in your practice, (blood, semen, tears, urine, etc)?
  6. Do you do pass life readings or have ever had one done; who where you or how did you die?
  7. What is your favorite magical tool?
  8. What is a song or type of music that gets you into a witchy mood?
  9. Where is the most magical place you have ever been?
  10. What animal is your familiar if any?
  11. If you have a familiar, did you choose them or did they choose you?
  12. What in the craft are you best at (tarot, spells, ritual,) etc?
  13. What in the craft would you say you are weaker at?
  14. What is your most favorite part of your craft (spell writing, divination, etc)?
  15. What was the first tool you ever purchased?
  16. What was your first homemade tool for your practice?
  17. What are you feelings on raising kids in the craft?
  18. If you were a goddess or god, who would you be?
  19. Do you use astrology in your practice? In what ways?
  20. What if any ways could you practice dark magic and still respect the beliefs of Wicca?
  21. Do you have any witches in your family?
  22. What item can you not witch without?
  23. What is your favorite sabbat or time of year ritual?
  24. Have you ever had a YouTube burn out?
  25. What is your fav witchy shop, and do they have an online store?
  26. When buying witchy items, do they choose you or do you choose them?
  27. How do you organize your herbs/ingredients?
  28. Do you have interest in other deities that you don’t work with; if so, which ones?
  29. Do you have a fav time of day to do spell work; if so, why?
  30. Are you solitary or do you work with a coven?
  31. If you could pick a certain witchcraft tradition that fits your practice most what would it be (Druid, Celtic, Wicca etc)?
  32. What was the most creative spell you have ever done. What did you use?
  33. What do you prefer for divination (tarot, oracle, runes ,etc, and why?
  34. What are some ways you keep yourself grounded?
  35. Have you ever had a spell go horribly wrong?
  36. What are your opinions on initiation rituals?
  37. Have you ever had full contact with your deity; if so, what happened?
  38. What about you is un witchy?
  39. For the dating witch, how do you tell a new love interest that you are a witch?
  40. Who is a past witch that has inspired you ,famous or not?
  41. How do you handle rejection from a fellow witch that refuses to do a reading or spell for you?
  42. Do you think it is necessary to cast a circle when you do spell work or any magical working?
  43. If Steven Spielberg called and wanted to make a movie of your life, who would you want to play as you?
  44. What is some advice that was given to you that you pass along because it made an impact on your path?
  45. What is some advice you would give someone who has not found there diety?
  46. Where do you buy your herbs?
  47. How did you feel casting your first circle (silly, scared, stumbling, etc)?
  48. What was your first successful spell?
  49. What is your general practice for meditation?
  50. Are you a day walker or a night comer?
  51. How and when did you know you wanted to be on this path?
  52. What type of pagan are you (Wiccan, eclectic, hedge, etc)?
  53. What candle color do you use most?
  54. What area would you like to see your craft grow in?
  55. What is your preference, to buy or make your tools?
  56. What fictional witch book/screen inspired you the most?
  57. With your first spell where you alone or in a coven?
  58. What is your favorite candle, incense scent for magical purposes?
  59. Where is your favorite place to go to reconnect with nature?
  60. Do you believe in fantasy creatures (unicorns, gnomes, elves, fairies, etc)?
  61. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
  62. Would you ever teach the craft?
  63. What if any legal herb do you use for moods?
  64. What is the most recent spell/ritual you have done? (slight detail please)
  65. Do you have a happy place you go to during meditation?
  66. What is your favorite witchy book?
  67. Do you have a ritual to get ready before a ritual or spell? (what is it)
  68. Do you always use your own spells or do you tweak others?
  69. Do you prefer spells/ritual inside or outside?
  70. If you are coming from a Christian/catholic background. Did you find the transition hard with family and the whole going to Hell thing? Basically leaving all you been told was right?
  71. What are your totem animals?
  72. What are some things you reuse after spells/ritual work?
  73. Who helped you most when you starting on your path?
  74. Do you know any good witchy phone apps (like moon phases)?
  75. What is your favorite magical study?
  76. Outside of the YouTube and Facebook community, do you have a lot of witchy friends in the physical world?
  77. Do you feel that the deities we work with are a force from one higher power and that all beliefs and religions are from the same one God/place?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Fantasy of Witchcraft

There I was 10+ years into my craft, struggling to feel a connection, frustrated that I didn't feel like magic was part of my everyday life and searching frantically for an answer on how to fix all that and make it feel like it did in the beginning. You know the feeling, the first time that you watched "Practical Magic" or read "Harry Potter".

It was amazing and then you find out that there is something like that in the world, a real something that you can be part of! You search all the "Diagon Alleys" of the world looking for the perfect cauldron and that magical moment when your wand will find you. You pick up all the books and jump right in head first. Or some variation on all that. Somehow, over the years, THAT magic gets lost and the connection and enthusiasm you once had is harder and harder to cultivate. First off, don't feel bad. This happens in absolutely every religion and spiritual path. In Christianity they refer to it as being "on fire for Christ"(or not).

A few years ago I walked away from the spellcasting and potion making and my spiritual path took a New Age turn for awhile and then a metaphysical christian turn and then a Hebrew roots christian turn and then I got more into the Jewish kabbalah and Zohar teachings and they sounded a lot like the information that I learned in the New Age and I realized that, its all a big cycle and one thing invariably leads right back around to the same thing. Then I started learning more about Natural Law and that basically put everything into perspective for me. It was around this time that my broom started rattling around in the closet once again so I decided to dust off my old witches hat and get to brewin' ! I felt inspired but more than that I felt relaxed and natural about the whole thing. Of course, like most of you, I have enough witchy books to fill a library but this time I neglected them. Sure, I''ll occasionally pull out one or two for herb or moon phase references but this time I just started doing things my way instead of the "right" way and I realized something. The fantasy of witchcraft is what we lose over the years. We lose the magic because we start dragging it down to the level of reality and making IT mundane! The reason that we were so enchanted by witchcraft in the first place was because of the fantasy of it.
We all want our letters from Hogworts, to cast spells and brew potions, to flick our wands or twitch our noses and bring the magic alive in our life! Somehow we wind up making all these rules around it, categorizing it, taking it way to seriously and, guess what, our lives become just as boring as they were before. We sit around and wonder why Halloween is the only time we feel connected, feel the magic again. Well, I'll tell you; its because Halloween is the only time we allow ourselves to experience the fantasy again.

We need to be willing to get into our imaginations again, to play and fantasize again. The magical world is the world of imagination. Magic and imagination come from the same root word, for crying out loud! There is a reason that it is difficult for us though. Playing, imagining and fantasizing are very intimate things. We need to have a level of vulnerability to express ourselves. Be comfortable enough to show others who we truly are because your imagination is a very deep part of yourself. I've come to the conclusion that all the times in the movies that the witches aren't allowed to tell the truth of who they are to the normal people because they could get burned at the stake; is actually a euphemism for not showing others the truth of who we are in the magical world of our imaginations because of the fear that we'll get burned for it.
Witchcraft is fantasy, but that doesn't mean it isn't real. Its as real as you make it, but it is a different world. Fantasizing, pretending and imagining access the realm of the Divine Feminine within us. The right brain creativity, receptivity and intuition. You'll never be as psychic as you are when you are pretending. The Goddess doesn't want to be worshiped on an altar with things, she wants you to come to her world and play!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Magic With Essential Oils ~ Purification

Kitchen Witchery Recipe ~ Sweet Potato French Toast Sticks

This recipe is for LOVE magic!! Even more specifically it is to deepen and purify your love; either more self-love or the ability to receive and give love!

Sweet Potatoes: Love
Maple Syrup: Love
Cinnamon: Love
Balsamic Vinegar: Purification

Carve a heart on each potato stick before you dip them. As you dip each stick repeat this love spell:
"Pura Caritate" (pron; poo-rah cahr-ee-tah-teh)
Meaning: Purity of Love

Repeat until you have released all your energy into the sweet potato sticks!


Preheat oven to 400 F 

2 white (or orange) sweet potatoes 
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 
about 1/4 C maple syrup 
1/2 tsp cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice 

peel and chop sweet potatoes into thick sticks, set aside. Mix the balsamic vinegar, maple syrup and cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice) with whisk until well combined. 
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper 
coat each sweet potato stick in the mixture and place on lined baking sheet. 
bake for 20 minutes than flip and bake for another 20 minutes. 
remove from baking sheet while still hot. I like to eat the after they have cooled to room temperature!

A Magical Language!

You may have noticed by now that I do my spell work in Latin. It started out as a journey to incorporate magic into my everyday life and to feel like a witch who could flick her wand or twitch her nose and make magic happen! I found that traditional rhyming spells, while beautiful, took time to construct, lengthy to memorize and I rarely used the same one twice. I have learned in folk magic that the more you use a spell, the stronger and quicker the magic happens. Just like anything the more you use the better you get at it! I chose the Latin language because, for one thing, its a dead language. People rarely use it at all let alone have regular conversations with it. This, to me, makes it most magical! A language reserved solely for the purpose of spellcrafting. Thats why I chose to start doing spells in another language at all. I wanted simple, but to just say "you are healed" lacked the kind of mystery and power that spells should evoke. I mean, if I can say "healed" or "healing" 20 times a day in a random conversation, what depth is left for the spell? Thats just my opinion on it of course. In fact, the folk magic that I referenced earlier uses ordinary language for spells such as this one for removing sickness;

"(sickness) come out of the marrow into the bones, out of the bones into the blood, out of the blood into the flesh, out of the flesh upon the skin, from the skin and into (name) hair, out of the hair into the green forest, out of the green forest into the dry sand, as sure as the God moves within the Goddess and out into the land." American Folk Magick by Silver Raven Wolf.

So the use of latin didnt originate in the folk magic traditions, just the idea that repetition of use creates stronger magic. However, using another language to do magic with creates a shift of mind and energy and helps to manifest the atmosphere desired to feel truly magical! I have a quick story of just how powerful and natural the magic flows. A few weeks ago I was laying out in the living room trying to sleep at like 1 AM and I hear this rattling and tinkling sound outside the window. I immediately thought of my car and went to grab my keys to make sure it was locked. As I looked out the window I saw a guy tearing apart our garbage can, looking for bottles and cans apparently. Well he seemed not to be doing too much harm and he was putting all the garbage back in the cans, but you never know what else he might try to do while he hanging around. He put the bottles that he pulled out on the side walk and walked out of view, coming back a few minutes later with a backpack. He put some bottles in it but left it and walked out of view again.
I decided that I better put up some protection magic, so I put together a protection spell;
"Hanc domum et universa intrinsecus" (Protect this home and all inside) while encircling my home in golden light.
The next morning when I woke up, the mans backpack and bottles were still there. He was never able to come back for them.

I love being able to do spell work through out my day and infuse it in my daily activities. It isnt flashy, it isnt fancy, it isnt complicated. Its actually rather low key, but its so much a part of me now that I truly feel like an everyday witch!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New Moon in Leo ~ Transformation Spell

Lammastide ~ 2016

Happy season of corn and grain!! My family celebrates the lammastide season for the entire first week of August. Its a week filled with baking, cooking and crafting. My lammastide celebration has changed dramatically over the years, since becoming a mother to now having young kids in school. Lammastide now coincides with my boys, 7 and 4, starting the new school year.
This year I have decided to incorporate the "back to school" preparations into the lammastide ritual, with blessing on the new backpacks for prosperous learning and the crafting of little key chain charms for protection. Along side the school crafts we also do the traditional crafts like corn dollies and the boys each get their pooka pages workbook for lughnasadh.

This week is also filled with baking and brewing! Pancakes for breakfast, brownies and cornbread and plenty of trips to the farmers market. Yesterday we drove out to our local farmers market for some wonderful fresh sweet corn and came home with bags of fresh ripe fruit, cucumbers for pickling and veggies for salads. We also happened to pick up a beautiful sunflower bouquet for the lammas hearthaltar and a bundle of fragrant dried lavender!

I love traditional summer foods for this holiday celebration, with a few fall favorites sprinkled in; baked beans, potato salad, corn on the cob. BBQ seitan ribs and fried seitan chickn tenders. Some vegetarian chili and cornbread teases at the crisp autumn evenings to come. Of course, all things fruit! This is the last chance to put up some strawberry jam for the winter, charmed for love magick of course! blackberry pies and jams and peach cobblers are great additions to the Lammastide table.
I don't drink many hot things during summer but at Lammas I start thinking about the fall teas and potions I might want to start mixing for the fall season of magick making. I do, however, quite enjoy some brewed hard apple cider and I think Samuel Adams beer is a perfect addition to the lughnasadh festivities.

My absolute MUST recipe for this season is my braided Lammastide bread! (I will post the recipe soon). I love this bread! One, because it is the most delicious bread ever but also because the process of braiding it is the perfect opportunity to braid in some magick!! If you have never made bread from scratch before I high encourage you to give it a try! Its a lot easier than you think and is one of the most ancient traditions. Once you get the process down you can start to incorporate all types of magicks into it. From adding herbs for specific spells to carving in symbols for quick charms.
Bread making is a magickal process that really connects the Witch to the roots of your faith and the traditions of our ancestors!

This is one of my favorite sabbats, although each one is my favorite when it comes. But I love the harvest season and always feel the most connected to my craft in the autumn. Lammastide is the preparation for all of that and also a chance to plant the winter seeds of a great school year harvest for our children!

Come visit Hearth and Hedge Witchery on facebook for daily spells charms and enchantments!!