Hello everyone!!!
This blog is about my everyday witchery, which I consider to be "hearth and hedge" as it usually deals with everything domestic. I tend to be old fashioned in my home making and also in my craft. Here you will find information about canning and gardening, also hedge witchery and fairy magic. Cast iron cooking and recipes as well as cauldron lore and kitchen witchery. Natural house cleaning tips and tricks, cottage witchery and hearth fairies and spirits. Natural healing remedies, folk medicine/lore and energy healing. Crafts galore! From sewing and knitting to candle making and spell crafting, also arts and crafts for kids! I will also be touching on things like prayer, daily devotions and working with the angels.
My craft and spiritual practice is much different then your typical pagan, wiccan, or witchcraft practices today. Infact, I do not consider myself pagan or wiccan. I practice a combination of folk magics and believe in a God and Goddess/Lord and Lady/Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I work closely with mother earth and earth spirits such as the fae and plant and animal spirits. I also work with celestial energies such as Angels, Archangels and Astrology. I use Christian elements in my practice, like bible psalms for some folk healings and such. I also work closely with the seasonal cycles and celebrate all eight sabbats.
So I hope no one gets offended if something I say or do is not the same as your used to hearing or seeing a witch do but this is how I practice my witchery and I invite everyone to join me!!